
The Bethlehem Bootee Company

By Dave Corbett

Ages 7-11

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25 minutes
Speaking Roles
Cast Size
Ideal Cast Size

Marcus and Selina, the very first M&S, try to sell bootees to Mary, Joseph and a trio of Kings... but they need to buy wool from some shepherds so that Granny can keep knitting!

Join the Gefril family on their journey through Bethlehem in this humorous modern take on the Nativity story.


Scene One

In the hustle and bustle of a busy market, Marcus and Selina Gefril set up their stall while Granny is busily knitting another pair of bootees.

Unfortunately business is slow due to a shortage of babies in town so the family decide to take to the road to try and sell their wares.

Scene Two

As they begin their travels, the Gefrils bump into a very tired Mary, Joseph and their donkey.

They offer their bootees to the weary couple who happily agree to buy a pair as Mary is soon to have a baby.

As Mary and Joseph settle down to rest, the family continue on their way with granny knitting yet another pair of bootees!

Scene Three

With one sale in the bag and spirits high, Marcus and Selina discuss the advantage of having their own company name.

Marcus and Selina... M&S? Nah, it would never catch on!

With their initials discounted, the pair finally agree on 'The BBC' or 'The Bethlehem Bootee Company' while Granny is STILL busy knitting.

Scene Four

Three Kings and their camels are settled down by a fire as the newly branded sales team enter.

Even though the Kings are on their way to visit a baby, they have already bought lavish gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh... all very nice but surely the baby would prefer warm feet?

And that's when it happened... Granny, the fastest knitter in Bethlehem, ran out of wool!

Scene Five

Desperate for supplies, Granny heads off to the hillside to see the Shepherds.

The Shepherds are glad to help their best customer and soon set to work shearing sheep before a host of Angels appear before them.

The Angels tell the news of a child born in Bethlehem... a child that is a king and a saviour.

While the Shepherds hastily head towards Bethlehem, Granny rushes off to tell the news to Marcus and Selina. A special baby means special baby feet that require special knitted bootees!

Scene Six

In a stable in Bethlehem Mary, Joseph, the innkeeper and his wife are sitting by baby Jesus sleeping soundly in a manger.

The proud new parents thank the Innkeeper for the shelter of his stable before his wife gifts a pillow for the baby.

Marcus, Selina and Granny are next to visit the new arrival and gift another VERY special pair of bootees for baby Jesus to a very grateful Mary.

Soon the Shepherds enter with their gift of a woolly fleece followed by the Kings who present their lavish gifts.

All very special gifts for a very special baby who now has very warm feet!

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PDF Easy Play Piano Score (Grade 4 Standard)


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MP3 Backing Tracks


MP3 Vocal Tracks


Project it! (PowerPoint and JPGs)


Sing it! (PC)


MP3 Learn it!


Sing it! (MAC)



Easy Play Piano Score (Grade 4 Standard)




CD of Backing Tracks


Pack of 5 Scripts


Pack of 10 Scripts


Project it! CD-ROM


CD of Vocal Tracks


Sing it! CD-ROM (PC & MAC)


CD of Learn it!



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We recently put on "The Bethlehem Bootee Company" at our school, and it was a total hit! This modern take on the Nativity story had everyone giggling and enjoying every moment. Marcus and Selina (the original M&S) trying to sell bootees to Mary, Joseph, and the Kings was just priceless! The whole thing with buying wool from shepherds and Granny knitting away brought a unique twist to the classic story. Our kids and the audience absolutely loved this fun and lighthearted play. Highly recommended for a fresh and entertaining take on the Nativity!

Emma Thompson - Year 1 Teacher

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School Nativity Plays