
Jesus In The Manger

By Dave Corbett

Ages 5-7

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30 minutes
Speaking Roles
Cast Size
Ideal Cast Size

Mary and Joseph have to travel to Bethlehem, a long and hard journey, and Mary is soon to give birth to a baby boy. Unfortunately, they arrive to find the city is very busy and there's no room at any of the inns. Meanwhile, three Kings travel from a far off land bearing gifts for the new baby.

This traditional nativity story, is presented here as an easy to learn musical production. Simple to stage, with small, non-demanding roles spread across a range of characters, Jesus In The Manger is the perfect traditional Christmas production for children aged 5 - 7 years.


Scene One: Nazareth

Mary and Joseph have been ordered to travel to Bethlehem by King Herod in order to complete a census. Mary is worried as she knows the journey will be hard and she is soon to give birth to a baby boy. With Joseph reassuring her, the two set off.

Scene Two: The Kings

Far away three Kings have decided to follow a star that they believe will lead them to a new born baby king. After comparing each other's gifts for the new born, the Kings leave with their Camels.

Scene Three: The Market

Mary and Joseph arrive at Bethlehem to find the city very busy. Around them, Merchants sell their wares in the market. Worrying that there will be nowhere to stay for the night, Joseph leaves to search for accommodation. Unable to find anywhere, an Innkeeper and his Wife offer the couple shelter in their stable.

Scene Four: Watching Sheep

On a hillside outside Bethlehem, several Shepherds tend their sheep. An Angel appears to them and tells them a very special boy has just been born in the city. Curious, the Shepherds decide to visit the new born.

Scene Five: The Stable

Baby Jesus has been born. Mary and Joseph are resting with him in the stable, whilst onlookers and stable animals begin to gather around the manger. The Shepherds arrive to see the baby, the Kings arrive to present their gifts and all that have gathered celebrate that birth of the wonderful baby King.

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  • Video Licence

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  • Project it! (PowerPoint and JPGs) New
  • MP3 Learn it! New
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  • Video Licence

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Individual Items


Script (Non-editable PDF)


Script (Editable Word Doc)


PDF & Word Doc Scripts


PDF Piano Score (Grade 4 Standard)


MP3 Backing Tracks


MP3 Vocal Tracks


Project it! (PowerPoint and JPGs)


Sing it! (PC)


Sing it! (MAC)


MP3 Learn it!





Piano Score (Grade 4 Standard)


CD of Backing Tracks


Pack of 5 Scripts


Pack of 10 Scripts


Project it! CD-ROM


Sing it! CD-ROM (PC & MAC)


CD of Learn it!


CD of Vocal Tracks



Performing Licence

Copying Licence

Video Licence

School Nativity Plays Licences cover you to perform, copy and video record this musical.

It is illegal to perform, copy or video record ANY published musical without the appropriate licence which is only available from the publisher of that musical.

'Blanket' licences which you may have DO NOT cover the performing, copying or video recording of published musicals.

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The Video Licence is given FREE OF CHARGE if you order a Performing Licence and a Copying Licence at the same time. Only fill in the box below if you wish to purchase a video licence separately.


Simple and easy to use with catchy songs that the children enjoyed singing and acting to.

Susan Kelly, Assistant Head - St Mary's C of E Primary School

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School Nativity Plays